提供停車空間・提供廁所・免費充電服務・免費 Wifi
藥局賣場地點是在一個很特殊的地方,擁有的客群包含多樣的各國人士,來自菲律賓,越南,泰國,印尼的工程師,移工,及園區內本國員工,園區外客群。這就是位在台中市潭子科技產業園區的賣場。 The pharmacy store is located in a very unique place. Its customer base includes a diverse group of people from different countries such as engineers, migrant workers from the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand, Indonesia, local employees within the industrial park, and customers outside of the park. This store is located in the Taichung Technology Industrial Park. 請查看上面連結(上)賣場介紹,(下)賣場小品。